

内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院提供一些由私人设立的奖学金 organizations and individuals. The criteria and award amounts vary with each scholarship.



以下奖学金的申请可从财政援助办公室获得 or campus Advisors.

  • American Indian College Fund -美国印第安大学基金为有示范能力的学习者提供帮助 high scholastic achievement. These scholarships may be awarded to any student who 表现出较高的学术成就,并有未满足的经济需求. A portion of this scholarship may be awarded to non-Native students.
  • Beam Emergency Funding

    Get Help for Life's Unexpected Emergencies. We understand life can be unpredictable. 意想不到的费用和需求会给你带来巨大的压力,影响你的学业成功 and personal well-being. pg电子app下载 has a student emergency fund to help keep you on track to reach your academic and career goals.

    Beam紧急援助可以帮助您处理意想不到的财务紧急情况,如 比如汽车付款,汽车修理费,汽车保险,房租,水电费和医疗费 and dental. 

    学生必须满足以下要求才能获得资格:批准学术地位或 通过学术计划,验证学位申请,验证入学 in the current term, verify completed FAFSA and verification.
  • High School Graduate Success Scholarship - pg电子app下载为所有入读Native的高中毕业生提供奖学金 American (descendancy proof also allowed) or Nebraska residents. This scholarship 适用于学生在攻读学位课程期间的全部时间 只要学生从秋天坚持到春天,再从秋天坚持到春天 terms.
  • 学生必须在高中毕业或完成后9个月内入学 of their final general education diploma.
  • 全日制学生(至少12学分)将有资格获得1000美元.00 annually o 学生必须每年秋季和春季学期入学,直到毕业 pg电子app下载.
  • Students must maintain a 2.0 CGPA.  Starting the second enrolled term students will be required to maintain good academic standing.
  • 内布拉斯加州的居民或联邦承认的部落的成员或显示后裔的 提供出生证明和父母登记(与登记办公室联系) for additional questions).
  • 学生将不需要证明需要经济援助.
  • 高中研究生奖学金提供给全日制以下学生或不符合要求的学生 enrollment or residence requirements High School Graduates not attending full time will receive a $500.00 scholarship the first year of enrollment.
  • 学生必须在高中毕业或完成后9个月内入学 of their final general education diploma.
  • 学生将不需要证明需要经济援助.
  • Senior Citizens/Elders Tuition Waiver - pg电子app下载为55岁或以上的公民提供不可退还的学费减免 as of the first day of the semester enrolled. Qualifying senior citizens will be charged for fees associated with admission, and registration. Tuition-paying students have priority over senior citizens if the course reaches capacity. 
  • Summer Tuition Waiver - pg电子app下载提供不退还的夏季学期学费减免,当学生成功 complete their course work. Students are required to seek all Financial Aid possibilities prior to receiving this waiver. Once the summer term is complete the student should 填写表格,并将其成绩副本提交给商务办公室/学生 Billing. 
  • Contact your Tribal Higher Education Office for additional scholarship opportunities
  • AIHEC Student of The Year Scholarship - request an application from your campus Student Support.
  • American Indian Student Scholarship opportunities
  • Coca Cola Scholarships -可口可乐学者计划奖学金是一项基于成就的奖学金 to graduating high school seniors. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead 服务,以及他们对学校产生重大影响的承诺 and communities. 到2021年第33届,基金会已经提供了6450多个项目 可口可乐奖学金,超过7500万美元的教育支持. 150 Coca-Cola 每年都会选出奖学金获得者来获得20,000美元的奖学金. 
  • ScholarshipQuest -这个免费的数据库包含2000多个内布拉斯加州的奖学金.
  • 美国海岸警卫队大学生预服役计划奖学金 Program) CSPI是一个为表现出高水平的有动力的个人设计的项目 优秀的学术和领导能力,并渴望为国家服务 United States Coast Guard.
  • The Recovery Village Health Care Scholarship The Recovery Village 在提供独特机会的同时,是否致力于提供卓越的服务 for education and personal development. As part of this commitment, The Recovery Village 为攻读医学相关课程的学生提供1000美元的奖学金 study.
  • Chief Standing Bear Scholarship - The Chief Standing Bear Scholarship 于2017年成立,旨在支持美国印第安学生的高等教育 加入部落并能提供部落归属证明的. The story of 蓬卡酋长站立熊的斗争是一种毅力和战胜逆境的斗争. 站熊酋长的模范特质值得当今美国人钦佩和效仿 Indian youth.
  • 相信教育的内在价值和每个人追求学位的权利. 我们创建了这个网站,作为一个免费的资源来帮助每个人解决教育成本问题 in a way that works for them. There is a path to a reasonably priced higher education.
  • Financial Aid Programs for Military and Veterans 几十年来,军方一直在帮助现役军人、预备役人员、国民 警卫队和退伍军人通过提供教育援助来上学. The Montgomery 《pg电子》®每月为接受高等教育或工作的军人提供津贴 培训和服役人员可以享受这些福利长达36个月.

  • Native Forward - 土著前进学者基金已经帮助了来自500多个部落的2万多名学生 在所有50个州,通过为本科生提供奖学金和支持服务, graduate, and professional degrees.
  • Cobell Scholarship - Indigenous Education, Inc. promotes The Cobell Scholarship’s goal to provide applicants 并与询问者最有益的信息,pg电子app下载这精心建立 scholarship opportunity.
  • College Board Scholarship List- 可搜索的奖学金数据库,您可以根据您的申请来缩小资格范围 own location and personal demographics.
  • FastWeb- 国家可搜索奖学金名单-这些奖学金将有更多的数字 of applicants.  使用尽可能多的个人标识符来帮助你缩小搜索范围 results.

我们鼓励学生完成正在进行的互联网搜索 college scholarships available throughout the year. Students must understand that 申请奖学金并不一定意味着学生将获得奖学金 scholarship. 所有的奖学金都是有竞争力的,在大多数情况下,都与高学费挂钩 grade point average and/or unmet need. All scholarship deadlines are strictly maintained. 大多数奖学金要求申请人提交书面论文、照片或其他文件.